When our company decides to sell goods and services on credit it is important to us to establish credit and collection policies. These policies help us manage one of our business's largest assets: the accounts receivable. How we manage this asset influences the bottom line and affects our ability to maintain the cash flow of our business. These policies should be clear, in writing, and should explain the business's standards for setting up accounts and collecting payments. We need to plan for the problem of collecting money from our customers, and we must develop guidelines as to how the problems will be handled.

The policy's goal should be, within the bounds of sound credit practices, to find a suitable credit practice in which every customer/client that desires to purchase our product or service can do so. The terms of our credit agreement need to be spelled out. We will decide on open account, limited account, and cash in advance, cash on delivery, or any other term of sale that is common to our industry.

Document requirements for an account to be opened. A properly completed credit application is a must. We also provide document related to our services and product. All the relevant data are spell out in detail the avenue of authority to be followed for approval or denial of a new account so everyone will understand where the responsibility lies.

Some customers will not or cannot pay their bill. That is why it is important to have a policy for collections. Our policy is including the steps for collection, and the specific sequence of these steps. Almost every account, no matter how long we have sold them or how well we know them, will become delinquent at one time or another. The asset of our services is protected while preserving the integrity of our customer base at the same time. It's a delicate balance.

System will be used for processing orders, shipping and billing

For the filing and processing customers’ data, we will use computer system. Registration process will be started by filling the registration form by customers. Then, all the data will key in into the system. Our company will update the data by month to prevent any mistake and deceiving.

Customers must pay the registration fee which is RM50 during the registration. Customers also need to pay the deposit based on the package that they are willing to take. There are two systems billing in our business. The customers can pay their fee through e-bank, mybank2u or cash money. The receipt will be given to customers as evidence.

Methods of payment will customers be able to use.

There are two ways that people can approach us; by surfing the net and log on to our website or directly come to our customer service’s counter and the payment will depends on the way they approach us.

• By log on to website:

Customers can make the payment by using e-banking (example: MayBank 2u) or by using credit card. As we can see in the present day, peoples are prefer to deal with anything related to money on the net as it will take less time than going to the counter to make any payment. By using e-banking or credit card, they just have to log on to our website and purchase any services they want, and then the payment can be made in less than 15 minutes. It is cost effective as they don’t have to take more time and effort to come to our place.

• Directly to our customer service’s counter:

They can make the payment by cash or by using credit card. Some people are prefer to pay with cash as they will not be burdened by the credit card but some people are prefer to use the credit card, so they don’t have to bring much money everywhere. Whatever the way it is like, we will always make it easy to the customers and let them do as they want. They can choose to pay the training fees by any method they preferred to as long as it is within our capability.

Credit term will customers be offered

Warranties will be Offered to Our Customers

Inter-soft Sdn Bhd provided warranty to our customers. Warranty we provided are delinquent with our company mission and vision that is to give satisfaction to our customers. Inter-soft Sdn Bhd prepare certificates that admitted by Minister of Education with other cooperation universities. This shows that our company is very care about good deeds of customers and also gives guaranty that all the customers are satisfactory with our services and all of them can use the software like professional when they completed their hour.

Example of Certificate is shows in attachment below

Is there a system for customer feedback to customer satisfaction (of the lack of it) can be tracked and addressed.

Evaluation is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. Evaluation often is used to characterize and apprise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations and non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services.

Our company INTERSOFT SDN.BHD used two systems to gather customer feedback about our services. The system we used is listed below:-

a) Evaluation Form
b) Internet Comment (Blog/website)

Evaluation Form

The purpose of this form is to assist us in developing and improving the good services program for next season and also to give satisfaction to all our customers. Besides that, this form will help us to know in deep about our company and services from the view of outsides.

At the right side is the link to evaluation form of our company

Internet Evaluation (Blog/Website)

Today there is a huge amount of information on the Internet and also huge amount of internet user. All the information and services we can get here and because of this reason our company used another system that can give more faster and easier method to our customer shows their satisfaction or to give their comment about our company and services. All this comment is important to us to improving our services to give more satisfactory to all our customers.

Our company is also provided privacy statement to all comment we received. All the information about our customer are protected to shows our company are very concern about satisfaction of our customer and thankful about all the comment are given.